MCC IAS Initiates Stream Restoration Project

June 26, 2023

26 June 2023—Mabalacat City College (MCC) Institute of Arts and Sciences (IAS) launched the Stream Restoration Project in Sapang Balen. The project aims to revitalize the Sapang Balen community, improve the quality and quantity of the local freshwater ecosystem, and create better livelihood opportunities for its community members.

This is a part of MCC's "Innovative Sustainable Impactful Program (ISIP) River Restoration: Ameliorating the Quality and Quantity of Life on the Freshwater Ecosystem." Upon successful restoration, plans to plant various fruit-bearing trees and other flora along the streambanks will set in motion. This further enhances the environmental sustainability of the area and promote community empowerment in caring for the environment.

MCC is dedicated in championing programs and services aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The river restoration project specifically addresses SDG 13, (Climate Action) and SDG 14 (Life Below Water), demonstrating the college's commitment to SDG projects.

The restoration project for Sapang Balen is a three-phased endeavor. Phase 1 involves an initial ocular visit and the official project launch. Phase 2 focuses on seeking monetary support and collaboration with the Local Government Unit (LGU) to further advance the project. Phase 3 centers on ensuring the continuity and sustainability of the project, guaranteeing its long-term impact.

With a clean and thriving stream, marine flora can flourish, offering a breeding space for the fauna, and additional livelihood opportunities for the people of Sapang Balen. Furthermore, the project can provide a sustainable source of materials for briquette production, contributing to the community's economic well-being.

MCC remains steadfast in its commitment to serving and uplifting its community. By spearheading initiatives like this, the college creates a lasting positive impact on the environment and the lives of those who call the community home.

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