Program Balakat: Community Empowerment Through Holistic, Socially Inclusive, and Sustainable Intervention

May 27, 2022

Focused on community development through research and programs for the local and the nearby indigenous community, our Research and Community Extension Office currently works on the program titled “Program Balakat*:  Community Empowerment Through Holistic, Socially Inclusive, and Sustainable Intervention.” 

Using Community Organizing as a program strategy and channel for sustainability for MCC’s partner community for the indigenous people of Sitio Haduan, the implementation of Program Balakat involves the following holistic advocacy areas:  Literacy/Education; Agri-Ecotourism & other Relevant Livelihood; Environmental Protection; Cultural Preservation; Strategic Partnerships; and Community-Based, Gender Responsive, High-Impact Research that aims to drive innovation and development and influence public policy.

Empowering the community when it gradually goes through various phases from Social Preparation, Leadership Development and Capability Building, Organizational Development and Management up to Consolidation and Expansion, an impact study shall be systematically undertaken.  Research topic will then involve the evaluation on the improvement of the quality of life of the people.  Will their lives improve in terms of the following domains? Material well-being; Work; Psychological well-being; Health; Time Balance; Community; Social Support; Education, Arts & Culture; Environment; Governance.  These domains are the factors comprising the Happiness Index.**

Undertaking this program and research would lead to benefits such as but not limited to: 

(a) contributing to progressive achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to the community’s poverty alleviation, zero-hunger, good health & well-being, quality education, gender equality, affordable & clean energy, reduced inequalities, sustainable communities, climate action, life on land and partnerships for goals;

(b) showcasing a community-based & sustainable intervention and approach that optimize use of government & non-government resources.


*Balakat – a vulnerable endemic timber species from which the name of town of Mabalacat was derived.  A Balakat Sanctuary shall be established as part of MCC’s advocacy on Environmental Protection.  From balakat trees, making of Balakat-tea shall be undertaken.

** Happiness Index, Journal of Social Change (2017) Volume 9, Issue 1, 4–31.

It is interesting to note that due cognizance is now being given on measurement of a country’s gross national happiness as an annual World Happiness Report covering different countries is being done by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

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