UP-CIFAL Philippines Partners with MCC to Push SDG Efforts

May 09, 2023

University of the Philippines - Centre International de Formation des Autorités et Leaders (UP-CIFAL Philippines) released its 2022 annual report on 3 May 2023 featuring its partnerships with different organizations which included Mabalacat City College. In a letter sent to Dr. Michelle Aguilar-Ong, the MCC President, Dr. Edna A. Co, the Director of UP-CIFAL Philippines, expressed her appreciation to MCC and other organizations for their support in promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through various collaborations and capacity-building programs. 

The UP-CIFAL Philippines is one of the global CIFAL centers affiliated with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), and serves as a hub for training, advocacy, and research on the interwoven themes of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, migration, and gender equality. 

Through the partnership with UP-CIFAL Philippines, MCC has gained access to valuable resources, expertise, and shared experiences in promoting the SDGs. This has enabled the college to enhance its curriculum and teaching methodologies to ensure that the students receive a holistic education that is aligned with the SDGs.

Moreover, the partnership also emphasized the importance of community extension activities in raising awareness about the SDGs and implementing projects that address specific targets. These initiatives has made a tangible impact in empowering individuals and communities to actively participate in sustainable development efforts.

The SDGs, a comprehensive framework established by the United Nations, encompass a range of key objectives aimed at tackling serious social, economic, and environmental issues. By incorporating the SDGs into its educational programs, MCC embraced the opportunity to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to the sustainable development efforts.

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