Institute of Arts, Sciences & Teacher Education



The Institute of Arts, Sciences, and Teacher Education is one of the four institutes of Mabalacat City College, a local college in Mabalacat City, Pampanga, Philippines. It offers higher education programs in History, Biology, and Teacher Education.


The IASTE envisions producing globally competent professionals with a moral sense of nationalism, integrity, and service to humanity.


The IASTE commits itself to provide quality education and support services from competent faculty and conscientious leaders who implement new curricula that provides the classroom readiness to enter the workforce and serve humanity.


  1. Demonstrate excellent Educational Leadership.
  2. Deliver highly competitive, industry-related and research- intensive curricular offerings.
  3. Increase cultural orientation, service to the community and global competence of faculty and students.


Arts and Sciences:
  1. Provide instruction of the highest achievable standards and making utmost use of advanced educational technology and diverse teaching methodologies to maximize student learning.
  2. Maintain an environment conducive to the propagation of great ideas, development of critical thinking, dynamic research, and penchant for knowledge in the fields of Humanities, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences.
  3. Maintain Faculty and Staff who are physically, academically, and morally competent and implement programs for their continuous development, support, and security
  4. Produce quality graduates who are competent and skilled to meet national and international standards and become productive citizens
  5. Expand social and environmental awareness among the constituents.
Teacher Education:
  1. Provide curricular offerings which are within the standards set by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
  2. Provide institution-initiated enrichment courses to better equip the pre-service teachers with the essentialities of quality teaching.
  3. Expose the pre-service teachers to community-based realities to equip them with competence to participate in various programs and projects.
  4. Provide technical and expertise in research to develop, improve and practice innovations.
  5. Provide the pre-service teachers with rich and strong foundation in values and principles of the profession to sustain their desire for service and morally-upright living.



Arcelyn M. Adriano , LPT Faculty

I am Arcelyn M. Adriano and I have been an English teacher for the past 33 years. Part of my advocacy in life as a teacher is that there is always room for improvement. Needless to say, I do not acknowledge mediocrity in my craft. I challenge my students to be their best and not to settle for an easy life for, in the end, it feels better to harvest hard-earned fruits of dedication and patience. I am greatly influenced by mentors who speak and do. I remember one who told me, “Go out into the world and challenge yourself, this city has become too small for you”. I left the city and proved myself able to teach subjects outside my major and level. I gathered I could do it for as long as I put my heart into it. And yes, I found the answer to the nagging question in my head of whether I was still an effective teacher after a decade of teaching. I offer my service as an ordinary citizen to my community by being a member of the Ministry of Lectors and Commentators. Professionally, I decided to teach in college after a long teaching career at the secondary level. Teaching in college showed me the many young adults who could be responsible citizens someday ergo I serve them well by teaching them to be excellent and preparing them beyond satisfactory for the education of young Filipinos in the City of Mabalacat. In my class, one has to do the work to prove one’s worth of a good grade. One has to demonstrate he/she can perform excellently the task set before him/her especially so for those who will be educator’s themselves someday. I especially admire those who continue to go to school in the middle of working for a living and those who, despite having had a momentary delay, continue to finish their course. When I see my past students in the work field enjoying their careers and living out the hard-earned education they carefully struggled for, I have achieved. Bottom line, it is not really the innumerable degrees you finish nor the countless numbers of colleagues who say yes to you, but what counts most really is – how have you served, with the gifts entrusted to you?

Arnel G. Perez , MS Psych. Faculty

Being a natural-born Kapampangan, I want to promote the unique culture and arts of the Kapampangan, I even created an FB page, “Sining, Kultura, ampong Historia queng Balen Mabalacat” which aims to promote the arts, culture, and history of Mabalacat City. Similarly, as a nature lover, I always exert effort to minimize the use of plastics, and I strictly practice the 3 R's of waste management (reducing waste, reusing, and recycling resources and products). At present, I work from home, and I find it as an opportunity to nourish and propagate my ornamental plants, viz. “plantito”. Moreover, as regards my profession as a college instructor, I consider it as accidental because growing up, my exposure was more on farming, and when I finished high school, I studied at the seminary. I once dreamed of becoming a priest, but this dream of mine remains a dream. Maybe I am not meant for that. At present, my wife and I live in one of the remote barangays in Angeles, and as part of this community, we support the programs of the barangay like encouraging our “kabarangay” to be vaccinated, and sometimes in our limited means, we share food to the front liners, and share a little amount to our “kabarangay” who need financial help like when they are having difficulty with hospital bills, etc. In this “now normal'', due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are experiencing “virtual fatigue” because of the over-exposure to the virtual world like attending online classes, webinars, online meetings, chat, online socialization, and others. As for my policies, personally, my wife and I are saving a certain amount from our income, in order to secure our retirement; while professionally, I am pursuing my Ph.D. in Psychology, with the aim of obtaining my license in Psychology, so that I could ultimately contribute to society.

Celter Cris Torres , LPT Faculty

My advocacy is to promote "Quality Physical Education and Physical Education for All". As a Physical Education Instructor, Quality Physical Education is essential to improve the physical competence, health-related fitness, self-responsibility, and enjoyment of physical activity of the students for the rest of their lives. Only well-planned and well-implemented physical education programs may give these benefits. Every person has a fundamental right to physical education, physical activity, and sport, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other beliefs, national or socio-economic background, or any other reason. I believe that a Physical Education Instructor educates students on various aspects of leading to healthy lifestyles, including physical activities and nutrition. A Physical Education Instructor must enjoy an active healthy lifestyle and should be able to impart health principles to students of all ages. My God is the most influential person in my life because He has taught me a lot about life. To my former teacher in high school who influenced me to be who I am now. Because I believe a good teacher can give you something to remember for a day, but a great teacher can give you something to remember for the rest of your life. Many significant traits in a person's life can be influenced by a teacher and I was lucky to find all of these traits in my former teacher. By being a law-abiding citizen, setting good examples can make other people imitate things that we do on a daily basis such as respecting the authority, elders, parents, teachers, and others that are in leadership positions. Another thing is to respect our community and to take care of the environment that we live in such as cleaning up trash, not littering, planting trees, recycling. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant and unexpected impact on many aspects of life, including work, leisure, and family. In Education, CHED was given academic freedom to adopt and implement distance learning, e-learning, remote learning, and other alternative modes which are all encapsulated in the New Normal Approach; these innovations have had an impact on educational processes. A lot of teachers and students experienced different challenges in the new-normal set-up of education whether it is formal or informal learning environments. Distance education or online learning is difficult, but regardless of the challenges, we must undertake it and adapt.

Conrad Buerkley , Ed.D Faculty

My advocacy is to protect the environment. In 2018, The Proposed Advocacy titled: “Plastic-Free ITE”. A Pioneering Advocacy at the Institute of Teacher Education to produce a plastic-free environment inside the Mabalacat City College (MCC) campus. The purest and everlasting love of My Mother gave me the strength to pursue what I want to be in life. Our Mother gave us the wisdom to continue life to the fullest. She sacrificed everything for all of us, just to finish our studies. She worked hard for us, and always tells us that “Mamye murin dalan ing egana-ganang malilyari king bie”. Always have faith, hope, and love in everything that you do. Advocating the plastic-free environment should start from within. By simply picking up trash in the front of your/our houses will give us the multiple effects of cleaning the environment. Instead of using plastic bags, use eco-bags and/or reusable bags in buying our groceries. Showing and modeling to the people in our community our behavior in protecting the environment will give them the information to do it also. This pandemic gave us different viewpoints on the academic community. Students and Faculty are facing difficulties in using the different modalities in school.

Edmon Sampana , PhD. Faculty

My advocacy in life is in the devotion of serving others no matter how big or small the act is, having an authentic heart and will to help, empower and touch lives. My fear and faith in God and love for family are my guiding treasures and serve as influencers as I go along in life. This pandemic is indeed unprecedented, all sectors in our society were in a state of shock and uncertainty when it happened. In the education sector, for example, the assurance to go back to face-to-face instruction is uncertain. There are so many academic challenges resulting from this global health crisis, delivery, and management of instruction most especially in remote areas and the use of technological resources and platforms are just some. Yes! there are challenges, challenges there maybe, but education must still continue for as long as we work as one- parents, government, students, and schools, and not losing faith and hope that together we will get through this and that we can definitely make a big difference most especially in the lives of our learners at this trying time. We must not get tired of thinking of ways and providing interventions in helping our learners reach their goals and dreams. Remember, there is still light ahead in this predicament, God sees us, we must endure, we must persevere, and we must succeed.

Eduard D. Ramos , PhD. Faculty

As a seasoned professional in the academe, I have been in the service for twenty-two years. My experience in the academe fashioned me in various posts such as a full-time faculty, a coordinator, and a Principal in a High School. I became a College Instructor for five years at Saint Anthony College of Technology, Mabalacat City Pampanga, likewise, at J&K International College, Clark field, Pampanga for another five years. At Mabalacat City College, I have served the Institution for eleven years and have been designated as Senior High School Supervising Head, Student and Cultural Affairs Director, and Quality Assurance Director. While serving the College, I spearheaded significant College-wide activities such as the annual Ceremonias de Apertura Academica – a tradition of the College at the beginning of the Academic Year; the 4th ALCU R3 General Assembly and the 1st ALCU R3 Student Leadership Conference; and the 10th National ALCUAA Games. I also worked at developing and systematizing the documentation and recording processes of the Student and Cultural Affairs office for better service and safekeeping as well as tracking of documents. As a leader, I am not the traditional command and control person in charge. My idea of leading and managing is no longer just a kind of sharing what you know with somebody, although I do not discount the idea that that is still important. I go for a way of asking questions to spark insights from others. By this, I am able to unlock people’s ability to boost their own performance and discover their own capacities themselves. As a teacher, trusting my student is important. Teachers should believe in the ability of students to guide their own learning and their ability to do what works. By trusting students, teachers create a trusting environment, build capabilities, and empower students to manage themselves, making them independent learners. Currently, my community involvements include being the lead organizer of “Masayang Bagong Taon para sa mga Batang Velasquez Avenue” – an annual community game and feeding program among children in their Barangay during New Year’s Day; a member of the Rotary Club of Mabalacat City – Clark chapter; and one of the Board of Directors of the Mabalacat Elementary School Alumni Association.

Eldy Owen Layno , MAEd Faculty

My advocacy in life is to spread peace and kindness to everyone. It gives me a strong sense of fulfillment whenever someone feels love and understanding even in the smallest act of kindness. Doing small acts of kindness and understanding can make a big change. Our world today may be full of struggles and problems, but doing kindness to everyone makes the world better. My family plays a huge influence on my life. They are my greatest happiness, the reason why I keep going on every day. They are the ones who will always love you unconditionally for who you are and in spite of any shortcomings. I will always be thankful to them, because who I am today, my values, my beliefs, and my attitude came from them. I serve my community through performing simple acts of kindness to others, by joining as a volunteer whenever I can, because I believe these simple and small things can create a big difference. I also believe that all of these things matter even if it gets unnoticed and unappreciated. As part of the academic community, there will always be changes and hindrances when it comes to the teaching and learning aspect, but we must stay creative, adaptive, and resilient to keep up. Also, equipping our students with enough knowledge and competitive skills is not enough, the right values and attitudes should be inculcated to them as well.

Gracia T. Canlas , MAEd Faculty

As an instructor, my advocacy in life is not just to teach but to lead every student to become leaders with values. To be able to achieve their aspirations with humility and willingness to serve. To inculcate in them that they are serving for the Lord and not just for men and that in all things God may be glorified. My parents and family, most especially my children are my inspirations. I have faced many challenges but with my children around I know and I believe that I can and will win every challenge and every battle because of their love and faith in me. Being a good citizen will help my community achieve its goals. Doing good to others and helping them will inspire other citizens in the community. This is my way of serving my community by being a law-abiding citizen, and in a way, I am not a liability in the community I live in. In this time of pandemic more issues came out especially in the academic community. Online and virtual classes were conducted abruptly. As an instructor, I must be flexible by doing everything to learn new modes of teaching in service of my community. Find some ways to deliver learning through various platforms. Never did I halt in delivering lessons due to this pandemic, instead I did my best to teach as I did during the face-to-face classes. I am an old-school person, my policies may include raising the standard of teachers, protecting the rights and welfare of students. Promote values to achieve acceptable behavior for them to be successful in every endeavor.

Graciela Ann D. Escoto , LPT Faculty

As an educator, I want to instill in my students the idea that education is about more than simply getting those higher grades; it's about how they'll use their knowledge to create a huge difference and let their light shine. My faith and family had a significant impact on my life. They are my pillars of strength in the face of adversity, and they show appreciation in my every small victory. They are the foundation of the person I am today. I always apply the CLAYGO practice, where every time I eat in any fast-food chain, I make sure to clean the table and fix the utensils I used. One of the key sectors affected by the pandemic is education. This, however, will never deter us from pursuing our aim of providing our students with the best possible education they deserve. I also agree that education should be inclusive, that no student will be left behind in any terms.

Irene Christy Bacolod Faculty

To glorify God in everything I do, especially in my profession. It is my calling to be an educator/instructor/teacher/mentor and doing it without passion and commitment is ignoring God’s will or purpose in my life. I would rather be criticized by others than disobeying and ignoring God’s words. My parents and college mentors made the most impact in my life. My parents because they taught me about Christian living and to have passion in my profession. My college mentors because they showed how sharing knowledge and experiences with others, especially to young people is priceless and fulfilling. I do my service to the community by being a responsible citizen, following policies even if it is beyond my comprehension, and sharing the word of God to children in secluded barangay. I have been a full-time instructor at Mabalacat City College since 2008 to present. I received my degree of Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics from Central Philippines State University in Negros Occidental, graduated Cum Laude, and was awarded Best in Thesis. I took 18 units of education courses in the same institution and passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers majoring in Mathematics. At present, I am finishing my Master of Arts in Education major in Educational Measurement and Evaluation at Philippine Normal University, Manila. I taught courses in research, statistics, educational assessment, and mathematics. I am an experienced researcher and statistician. I received an award “Lector Magnificus” as I lead institutional research. I am a consultant in research and statistics of undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate researchers, and have been a guest speaker on test construction, rubric construction, and research in different educational institutions in Pampanga.

James Darwin Lagman , LPT Faculty

“Huwag kalilimutan ang saysay sa diskurso ng kasaysayan” I think most of the people I have encountered in life have influenced me in one way or another. Sometimes it is not even the person itself rather than his/her creative work. And most of the time it is not the longevity of the time or duration that a certain person you have encountered to be influenced rather than it is the value of the encounter that has constituted such influence. Thus, who I am right now is the accumulation of encounters with people When I was in college, I often engaged in civic activities that would help in the development of the community. However, right now I utilize my academic background and skill in helping the community. I often extend my expertise for the continuous advancement of the community One of my primary concerns in the current setup of the learning modality is its cultural and ethical dimensions. As we are experiencing a gradual paradigm shift in culture and ethics. We must also be critical of these changes and reflect the impact of these changes not only in the academic community but in the world as a whole Aside from my academic achievement, I think one promising achievement would be hearing my students utilize the topics that we have discussed in class in their everyday life. It just means what I have taught them has value to them. “May saysay”

John Benneth G. Viray , LPT Faculty

I started my teaching profession in the year 2019 at Our Lady of Fatima University in the Junior High School unit. In November 2019, I was employed at Holy Angel University where I handled Laboratory Elementary School and Senior High School students and stayed there until August 2021. At present, I begin another teaching experience as a full-time college instructor at Mabalacat City College. As a 21st Century Filipino young educator, my guiding principles are “Begin with an end in mind” inspired by Stephen Covey and to be simple in every undertaking. By being simple and not too extravagant. I always remind myself that I am young and there is more to experience in life. I also serve as a Lector and Commentator, and a Catechist in our parish under the Roman Catholic Church. My service and the words I proclaim as part of my faith really inspire others and allows them to live the Word of God in their personal and professional life. At MCC, I look forward to more enriching, life-fulfilling experiences that will allow me to live life to the fullest.

Jonnabelle N. De Leon , LPT Faculty

As a language instructor, my advocacy in life is to motivate, connect, and unlock student’s full potentials, especially their communicative competence and language proficiency by encouraging them to trust their own opinions while fostering confidence. In addition to encouraging and motivating students to become competent communicators in English, my advocacy is also to promote the language as a tool for advocacies such as peace and love for the country and the environment, internationalism, and multicultural awareness. My parents and my family have always been influential in everything I do. They have always been with me to motivate and inspire me. They are the reasons why I always look on the positive side despite all the odds in our life. I always believe that simply imparting young minds with strong moral values, respect, good manners, and positive character is already a service to the community. The overwhelming consequences of Covid-19 have made everyone in the academic community resilient and flexible. The transition from normal to new normal has allowed teachers to recalibrate their existing knowledge and skills in teaching. Indeed, as educators, learning is never-ending. Despite the concerns, issues, and anxieties felt by us, building, cultivating, and maintaining a strong support system for the teachers, especially the struggling ones, is what is really needed that will benefit everyone in the academic community.

Lourdes Fatima David , MSc. Faculty

My advocacy in life is to protect the environment. The number one problem is plastic pollution. Instead of using plastic materials for one-time-use bags, plates, spoons, forks, etc. we should utilize reusable materials like eco-bag, tumblers, etc. The most influential people in my life are my parents. They inspired me to do my best. They always believe and are proud of my achievements in life. I do service to the community by changing and improving the lives of others while improving ourselves and serving as a role model for others. Also by performing acts of kindness to others and simply picking up trash along the road to maintain the cleanliness of the community.

Maria Leanne Canlas , LPT Faculty

As an educator and a mother, I believe that parents play a significant role in children’s learning. I do believe that parents have an important role in their children's education. They have an impact on their children's attitudes toward learning and encourage learning at home. They serve as a key link between the home and the classroom. Hence, I uphold quality and equal opportunities in terms of educating the children, may it be at the four walls of the classroom or in the comfort of their homes. My family influenced me most in my life. They are my stronghold and they are the one who inspires and motivates me to be a better person and achieve my goals. As I always tell them; “Together we grow, Together, we achieve our dreams and goals”. I am a member of the Girl Scout of the Philippines (GSP) and Philippine Folk Dance Society. (PFDS). As a GSP member, it is my service to help girls and young women realize the ideals of womanhood and prepare themselves for their responsibilities. As a member of the PFDS, I am to preserve and promote the culture of the Philippines by means of Traditional Dances in the Philippines. The COVID19 brought challenges to the economy, community, and especially in education. There are children who stopped learning due to this pandemic for different reasons; parents who are incapable of teaching their children, poverty, lack of gadgets in the household because not everyone could afford to buy laptops or cellphones, and the like. As an educator, I am saddened with this situation we are in, for I also advocate quality and equal opportunities for education. I am glad that the government implemented different modalities of learning where students and parents have the freedom to choose. Thus, teachers work hard to deliver, if not best, at least better education. All I can do is support the government in implementing these and observe safety protocols at all times, and mostly, have faith in God that this shall pass. I believe that if you do anything with love, everything will follow. In whatever I do, I see to it that it’s compelled with the best effort and demonstrating love.

Marilyn Arcilla , MAN Faculty

When I was designated as the National Service Training Program (NSTP) coordinator in 2013, my exposure to the community reflected my advocacy for taking care of the environment. The NSTP syllabus, teaching-learning plans, teaching methods, and outputs of my students, emanating from my Clean Environment and Climate Change awareness, Disaster Risk Management concepts, and Planting strategies for better living projects became the focus of the NSTP students thus their exposure to their own community. I was transformed with the quote, “No One is Left Behind”, a promise from the Sustainable Development Goals. I believe that everybody or everyone should be committed to unite and take care of our planet. As an “environmentalist”, I believe that if we do not act now, no planet “Earth” will be available in the future.

Mazylyn A. Pangan , LPT Faculty

My advocacy in life is to recover the deteriorating morale of our learners today. Our young generation seems to be lacking good manners and right conduct as Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in a way he should go for when he is old, he will not depart from it.” As an EDVALUES instructor, I have the platform to influence our future educators of BEED (Bachelor of Elementary Education) to do the same thing to produce a well-mannered young generation who love our Almighty God, our nation, our environment, and our fellow countrymen. The person who influences me the most and serves as my eye-opener in our present situation in young people’s moral deterioration is my dean in graduate school. Currently, we are facing a generation that is so tech-savvy yet morally deteriorated. We, as educators, must be the best example in portraying well-mannered people by living what we preach. I do my service in the community by teaching Alternative Learning System (ALS) to our Aeta brethren here in the mountains of Sitio tilik San Roque Dapdap, Bamban Tarlac. As we all know, some of our Aeta brethren did not finish their education. They chose to work on farms rather than to attend school. This program of DepEd gives them a chance to finish their studies at their most convenient time and day. As I get to know them and their culture, I am so amazed that they preserved their culture that came from their ancestors. Mostly, the main reason they do not want to go to school is their inferiority complex. They think that they are different from us, because of their skin color, hair, and language. They are so afraid that they might get bullied again so they chose to stay in their sitio and live normally. As their ALS facilitator, I am encouraging them that education is a treasure, no one can deceive them if they can know how to read and compute numbers. I am always telling them that they have purpose and they are loved. My viewpoint on different issues that have impacted the academic community is the student’s learning in the new normal setup. As we all know, learners have different learning styles. I am not really sure if everyone really learned from the lesson after saying “goodbye and thank you” in our online class. I am afraid whether they take their own summative tests. Thus, I am always leaving a quote that says: “Honesty is a very expensive gift, never expect it from cheap people”.

Michael Jay P. Giray , LPT Faculty

As an educator, my advocacy is to ease the common assumption of some people or students about science, saying that it is a boring and too complicated subject where in fact science is a key to understand everything as possible- while inculcating the importance of safeguarding our mother nature and each living organism. My mother is my greatest inspiration. She always looks at the bright side of mine. She never failed to boost up not just me but even my siblings. With the respect, kindness, and love she has shown and taught to us, we became who we are now. I do my service in the community by supporting and buying local products and services within our area, especially those things that are beneficial to the environment or eco-friendly. Also, by doing a simple act of kindness to the less fortunate neighbors of ours. Pandemic, Lack of access to the internet and gadgets, stability of the internet, and somehow the limitations of some teachers in computer literacy are the different issues for me that have impacted the academic community.

Renalyn N. Gacusan , Ed.D Faculty

I am passionate about learning and teaching to positively influence young minds and touch lives. My Faith and family influenced my life. I get my strength and inspiration from them. I may not have formal membership in a community service organization but I believe that taking my social responsibilities seriously is already contributing to the community. I pay my taxes, I exercise my right to suffrage, I plant trees in my own backyard, I disagree without being disagreeable, I am genuinely concerned, and being fair to my students are just some of the things I practice. I stand with a firm belief in academic honesty, giving credit where credit is due. With more than a decade (18 years) of teaching experience, I enjoyed teaching Mathematics and Science at the tertiary level. Throughout the eighteen years of teaching, I continued to demonstrate professionalism in dealing with colleagues and students. Cultivated my love for learning and endeavored to improve my teaching through professional development training. I have a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, a master’s degree in Education major in Mathematics, and a doctorate degree in Education major in Educational Management. Passed both licensure examinations for Civil Engineers and Professional Teachers. I started my teaching career in a private school teaching Mathematics and Physics to Engineering Students and eventually transferred to public school and presently teaching Mathematics and Professional Education courses to Pre-service Teachers.

Susan Manuel , MPES Faculty

Physical Fitness for a healthy lifestyle is my advocacy. As a Physical Education Professor, I need to ensure the skills, talents, and the values of the students, as well as their Physical Well-being to be fit and to be healthy. I also believe in the saying “It makes a big difference in life when you stay positive”. My inspirations are my parents and the whole family; because of their love and care, I was inspired to finish my studies and help them as well. Also, to all my teachers who really influenced me for what I am right now. I owe my success to them. Because of their dedication, passion for teaching, I was influenced to become a teacher like them As a LECCOM in our Chapel, Our Lady of Fatima since 2000 up to the present time was indeed fulfilling. Serving our own Barangay gave me the chance to know more about our community. I am also an active member of a non-government organization “Buklod Club of Lakandula” doing medical missions, and gift-giving to name a few. In this pandemic, students and even us teachers in the Physical Education program are having difficulties in facing the challenges in doing our classes. But with the collaboration and help of everyone, challenges in the new normal became an opportunity to explore and learn new things in the teaching and learning process.
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