Bachelor of Science in Accountacy

The Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) is a four (4) year degree program under the Institute of Business Education. This program provides general accounting education to students wanting to pursue a professional career in Accountancy, in general, and in Public Accounting in particular. The program is compliant with the competency framework for professional accountants issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) through their International Education Standards. Thus, this qualifies our graduates to take examinations/assessments leading to certification in Accountancy given by the Professional Regulatory Commission – Board of Accountancy (PRC – BOA) and other global professional Accountancy organizations.

The primary goal of accounting education is to produce competent and ethical professional accountants capable of making a positive contribution over their lifetimes to the profession and society in which they work. In the face of increasing changes that they will meet later as professional accountants, it is essential that students develop and maintain an attitude of learning to maintain their competence as professional accountants. Aligned with the Institution’s mission of producing professionals and the Commission on Higher Education’s mandate, MCC BSA Program put convincing emphasis on curriculums that provide students formidable foundation on professional knowledge, skills and values, ethics and attitudes that enable them to continue to learn and adapt to changes throughout their career. The BSA program is recognized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). In line with MCC’s strong network and linkages with partner industries and through the immersion and practicum programs, students get the chance to experience hands-on learning from various accounting firms in the country. Students are also assured that the program offerings are handled and taught by qualified, educationally prepared, and experienced faculty members, some of whom are also Certified Accountant in themselves working both in private and government institutions. MCC is proud of her graduates who are now Certified Public Accountants (CPA) and professionals working in different industries and accounting firms.


Public Practice
  • Junior Analyst
  • Consulting Staff
Commerce and Industry
  • Cost Analyst
  • Investment Analyst
  • Accountancy Staff
  • Tax Accounting Staff
  • Financial Analyst
  • Budget Analyst
  • Credit Analyst
  • Cost Accountant
Government State
  • Accounting Examiner
  • NBI Agent
  • Treasury Agent
  • State Accountant
  • LGU Accountant
  • Revenue Officer
  • Audit Examiner
  • Budget Officer
  • Junior Accounting Instructor
Public Practice
  • Senior Consulting Manager/Financial Advisory Manager
Commerce and Industry
  • Controller/Comptroller
  • Senior Information System Auditor
  • Senior Loan Officer
  • Senior Budget Officer
Government State
  • Accountant V
  • Director III and Director IV
  • Government Accountant and Auditor
  • Senior Faculty
  • Accounting Department Chair
Public Practice
  • Partner
  • Senior Partner
  • Senior Consultant/Financial Advisor
Commerce and Industry
  • Finance Director/Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Information Officer
Government State
  • National Treasurer
  • Vice-President for Finance/CFO (for GOCC’s)
  • Commissioner
  • Associate Commissioner
  • Assistant Commissioner (COA, BIR, BOC)
  • Vice-President for Academic Affairs
  • Dean


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