Bachelor of Elementary Education

The Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) is a 4-year undergraduate program under the Institute of Arts, Sciences and Teacher Education that provides academic and pedagogical training for individuals aspiring to become future elementary teachers with focus on general education courses, professional education courses and courses on areas of specialization. As for the final requirement, students are to immerse themselves in the practicum program of the Institute through practice-teaching at various cooperating schools in partnership with the City Schools Division. Through the practicum program, students get a foretaste of the actual teaching experience such as classroom management, actual teaching instruction and demonstration, assistance in assessment activities and they gain critical reflection and insights at the end of the practicum.

MCC’S BEEd Program is duly recognized by the Government through the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and is with a Level 1 accreditation from the Association of Local Colleges and Universities, Commission on Accreditation (ALCUCOA).

Graduates of this program are expected to:

  • Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the development of Elementary Learners.
  • Exhibit comprehensive knowledge of the various learning areas in the elementary curriculum.
  • Create and utilize materials to enhance teaching and learning appropriate to the elementary level.
  • Design and implement assessment tools and procedures to measure elementary learning outcomes.
  • Apply the right character, professionalism, and core values of MCC System of Education in the workplace and in the society with the qualified and well-trained instructors of the program, simulation rooms, good library acquisition, strong linkages and above all quality instruction, the passing rate of the program in the Licensure Exam for Teachers (LEPT) has always maintained a constant above the national mean rating.


  • Teacher in Basic Education
  • Assistant Teacher
  • Tutor of Elementary Subjects
  • Consultant for Instructional Materials
  • Researcher
  • Book Author


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