Institute of Computing Studies



The Institute of Computing Studies is one of the four institutes of Mabalacat City College, a local college in Mabalacat City, Pampanga, Philippines. It offers higher education programs in Information Technology and Associate in Computer Technology.


The Institute of Computing Studies envisions itself to be the top choice in computing program in the region it serves, providing high-quality information technology education by 2025.


  • To implement state of the art technology those improve academic instruction and train both employees and students for a lifetime of success.
  • To behave ethically with integrity in all situations.
  • To maintain a high level of competence in order to meet academic and career goals.
  • To meet the needs of students by building an educational atmosphere in which they can achieve a range of objectives.


Dessa Lyn De Castro , BCS Faculty

I am Dessa Lyn J. de Castro, a full-time faculty of the Institute of Computing Studies. I have always been an advocate of women’s empowerment by standing up for my belief that our voices as women should not be suppressed, that we have our rights that should be accepted and respected by society, that men and women are equal concerning skills and capabilities. One of my motivations to be a career woman is to showcase my capabilities as a woman, especially in our field of technological studies that were dominated by men. It was very fulfilling to get to do tasks that were expected to be completed by a man. My parents are my greatest influencers. I have looked up to my father because of his wisdom. He taught me that in life, education should always be constant, that I should always strive to acquire education because he believes that as long as you are living there are always things that you don’t know yet. That is why education doesn’t stop by getting a diploma, it is a never-ending process. He taught me that I should not be content with what I know now and should always be interested in seeking answers for the unknown. My father molded me as a career woman, while my mother molded me as a human. My mother has taught me how to be compassionate, how to touch lives in my own, simple way. She taught me the meaning of being selfless especially when it comes to the most important persons in my life. Now that I am a mother of two beautiful angels, I am stepping it up for women empowerment by educating my children as young advocates, about women’s rights. In that way, I can ensure a better future for them. My advocacy has always been applied in my profession as a teacher. I have learned through experience that I can be a professional by doing my job ethically and at the same time, I can also be compassionate to students by not just focusing on their output but by knowing the backstory of their output.

Ernie Lee Pineda , MIT Faculty

Hi, I'm Ernie Lee Pineda. Being a good example to my students and the community by giving utmost respect to people you meet every day regardless of their status in life is one of my greatest beliefs and core values. As my parents always say, speak your mind freely, do it with courage but always communicate with your heart. I have been teaching with compassion and always incorporating these values with every class entrusted to me in Mabalacat City College Institute of Computing Studies for more than 10 years now.

Frederic d. Santos Faculty

Hi, I'm Frederic Santos. To become the best cycling cities in the world have addressed these issues by investing in facilities, infrastructure, and physical space for people on bikes, alongside campaigns to promote casual cycling culture. Time and again it has been shown that building good quality infrastructure makes people safer and more comfortable on two wheels. But our towns and cities aren’t going to change unless we demand it. Just riding my bike and getting out among the people of Boulder is a great way to model healthy behaviors. You can get more people out and increase the awareness of cycling when you go for rides.

George Granados , MM Faculty

No Advocacy Found.

Irene Gunning Faculty

Hi, I’m Irene L. Gunning, a full-time faculty under the Institute of Computing Studies of Mabalacat City College. Also, I’m an alumna of the College, and while in MCC, I was a student journalist. I believe in equality and getting someone’s voice heard. For me, all humans must be treated the same, no matter what their status is. You could always learn from someone. Thus, I joined Equalizer (The Official Publication of Mabalacat City College) during my stay as a student in the College. I enjoyed sharing my thoughts and writing my opinion about different issues. I don’t have any grand advocacy, just personal advocacies such as treating our environment with respect and self-awareness. The environment must come first before profit. It saddens me to see how our environment is slowly getting destroyed, we live in it so we must take care of it. We shouldn’t be selfish and must think of future generations. Self-awareness is essential towards a better society, we hurt each other, we abuse the environment, we even hurt ourselves because we lack self-awareness. I love reading, especially philosophical books and self-help books. Thus, the authors of my favorite books greatly influenced my belief in life. Lao Tzu, Alan Watts, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Mitch Albom, and Rick Warren to name a few. These authors talk about spirituality which I’m drawn to. I do service in the community through teaching, being a good citizen, and helping people in need. Although I’m not active in any social organization, I make it a point to help anyone in need whenever I can. I never discriminate.

Jaypee B. Patdu , MIT Faculty

I am Jaypee B. Patdu an employee of Mabalacat City College; an instructor in the Institute of Computing Studies; a father that advocates “Internet safety for kids”. For a child, the internet is a place of many wonders where they can play, interact with people and learn with an array of media that cyberspace can provide. Despite the benefits and possibilities of good use of the internet, there are also what we call online predators, thieves, along other things online which can be a danger to our children. It is important that we think of the consequences and possibilities when leaving our children online like simply sharing too much information about themselves that could be a risk to the security of our families. We as parents and guardians can aid in keeping our children safe by educating them by talking about the use of the Internet and the dangers lurking beneath the medium of education and entertainment.

Jona P. Tibay , DIT Faculty

No Advocacy Found.

Jonathan Valete Faculty

No Advocacy Found.

Lorenzo Macam Faculty

To win in the battle, you must first win against your team. If you take care of your team, they will win the fight. Do not underestimate the power of one, every fighter should be treated equally regardless of their ability. My Father taught me for whatever measurement I used, it will be measured back to me. Treating people equally and uniquely. Because playing favoritism is one of the most damaging problems in one team. Discipline referrals – if we didn’t practice it, teachers end up burned out.

Ralph Cadalzo , MIT Faculty

My name is Ralph B. Cadalzo, a full-time faculty from the Institute of Computing Studies. My advocacy in life will be the spread of awareness for internet privacy, especially on social media platforms. People should be made aware that posting and sharing pictures and personal information on the internet and on social media platforms publicly can potentially post a problem for them. These pieces of information can be viewed and used by anyone on the internet for personal gains that could harm or cause trouble to the owner of the information or pictures. My influencers in life would be my parents and the values they instilled in me growing up. Values such as fairness, equality, respect, discipline, honesty, and many more were taught to me by my parents. As my parents said, these values and my education were the only things they can pass on to me for riches are temporary but these values and my education will last forever. I seldom join community services organized in my community but I strongly believe that serving the public by joining the government, particularly teaching in a public academic institution is my biggest participation in the service for the community. Educating and transforming students to become individuals prepared and equipped with knowledge and skills to become IT professionals ready to join the industry is by far the biggest contribution to uplift the lives of the people in my community. There are a lot of issues that could impact the academic community but I will be citing one particular issue that catches my attention. That issue is the internet connectivity and electronic devices to be used by public school students from elementary up to college. Equality in education must be observed regardless of the social status in life. That is why I believe the government either national or local, should provide all the means for the education of public school students especially in this time of the pandemic where class happens online. Resources such as internet connection and electronic devices should be provided to all public school students to assure no one will be left behind.

Ritchell Escoto , MIT Faculty

No Advocacy Found.

Ronalyn Domingo , MSIT Faculty

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Ronilyn M. Telan , MIT Faculty

I am Ronilyn M. Telan, a full-time faculty of the Institute of Computing Studies who is advocating giving support to someone in need. This advocacy is greatly influenced by my parents' behaviors through the years and became one of the foundations of my life principles. The values I uphold are channeled in the ways I do my service in the community through teaching. In all, not only in the academic community, I believe that everyone needs to be valued and must be treated with equal respect and treat others with respect amidst differences. The Bible verse in the book of Ephesians 6:1-4, states that “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother—which is the first commandment with a promise- so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”, is my self-guide to all the endeavors I take.
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