Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Management



The Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Management is one of the four institutes of Mabalacat City College, a local college in Mabalacat City, Pampanga, Philippines. It offers higher education programs in Hospitality Management and Tourism Management.


The Institute of Hospitality & Tourism Management (IHTM) envisions producing competent, friendly, and reliable hotel and restaurant/tourism professionals in the local and international business world.


The Institute of Hospitality & Tourism Management (IHTM) commits itself in providing the students the relevant hand-on, creative, and values-enriched experiences which are essential in their life as hotel and restaurant managers/tourism professionals, and responsive to community and social needs.


  1. Provide curricular programs which are within the prescribed standards of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
  2. Provide hands-on experiences which are based on the actual job requirements and standards of the industry, locally and internationally.
  3. Provide values-enriched experiences to strengthen the moral life of the students and acquire the desired traits of Hotel and Restaurant/ Tourism Professionals.
  4. Provide community-based based activities to strengthen the students’ civic responsibility



Billy Joi G. Aquino Faculty

Humans and nature were created equally and must live accordingly. It is our benevolence to take care of our nature and to answer the call of Pope Francis in accordance with his book “Living Laudato Si”. Mutual respect is needed to sustain this relationship and soon our micro-actions will create a macro effect on our nature. Thus, we must love our nature as to how we love ourselves. This is my purpose, which is to spread the seeds of tomorrow, seeds of compassion, kindness, and generosity. I’ve been nurtured to be courageous, honest, and patient. Values that have been imparted to me since they brought me into this world, became my foundation to be a good person. In times of being ambivalent, they revitalize my core and keep on reminding me to be the person they want me to be. They are my parents that make me the best version of myself. At some point in our lives, we will see ourselves in the middle of the world answering the ambiguous question ever asked to us, which is knowing our purpose in this world. I serve at the church as a LecCom (reader in church) and a volunteer youth for the church that extends a hand to our brothers and sisters that are on the least, lost, and the last. Moreover, I also join volunteer camps such as tree planting, cleaning drives, and youth engagement that conform to those who are asphyxiated by liberty and right. In this time of uncertainty especially, any academic institution focuses on the welfare of their students. The institution must not only focus on the students’ empowerment, encouragement, and motivation but must also focus on teachers’ development, welfare, and mental health. Teachers are the foundation and backbone of any academic institution so it is better to keep them sane too. Apart from various awards like the Latin award (academic excellence award), leadership award, service award, or even any related academic award, the greatest achievement that I have ever attained was the fact that I inspire my students through my experiences and learnings in life. Besides, an academician will not only partake what he/she has in his/her mind but what his/her heart desires.

Diana Varona Faculty

“God may not give what we are praying for sometimes, but we still need to trust Him for He will surely give something much better than what we are asking for. His will in His own perfect time. Trust the process.” My life’s influencer is none other than mine, Father. He passed away early but his teachings and ways of life still live on in me. I usually extend my service to anyone by simply sharing what is necessary. Helping is good but we need to remember that we also need to know how to be responsible donors and recipients as well. The greatest service/help for me is to teach how to fish - to make a living. Mental health is very important and for me is one of the important things to consider at present. As an educator, in this new normal setup, we need to consider many factors and by considering them, it can cause stress, so what I do is make things more realistic and be compassionate but still teach them to be responsible. Require what is achievable and will benefit them not just on the academic side of the students but also the practical side of life. In life, whether you are rich or poor, whether you are kind or unkind, you will go through two kinds of life, living abundantly and deficiently. The important thing here is that you make sure you have something to lean on because you know you have planted goodness in everyone. My greatest achievement is being able to manage life. Feeling good and grateful despite all the distractions and pressures in life can bring proper thinking and the right disposition. Seeing the silver lining in every situation makes life easier.

Donald S. Rivera , MSHRM Faculty

My advocacy in life is to “Educate and encourage people at work or on campus about pursuing their goals in life, their dreams.” Aside from my family and loved ones, there is this one person who totally influenced me not only in my career as an educator but also in all aspects of my life. He is Mr. Genesis Z. Macapagal, my mentor, my life guide, and my leader. He taught me how to fight for what is right, to be humble always, to be an inspiration to all and he always pushes me to my limits in achieving all my goals in life. As an educator, I am teaching my students not only the lessons we have in every course, but I am also inspiring them to do what is good and right, the value of life and how to continue to be a blessing to everyone. Teaching proper education and providing all the knowledge I have as an instructor for the improvement of every student. I am not only a full-time instructor at MCC, but I am also connected in a local church here in Mabalacat City in which I am serving as one of the leaders. Volunteering for a small group working and sharing inspirational messages. During these times, it is really hard for us teachers and students to connect because it is too challenging for us to change our ways of teaching. The competencies of every student became limited because of our situation. In our case as a Hospitality Management Course, some courses need to have actual activities so that students may have the real and actual experience in doing some tasks. As an Instructor, I still created some techniques and strategies on how I can possibly teach students with quality education and how their skills can be developed. Like downloading videos connected and base on the given lessons and topics. Being an inspiration to students is a big achievement for me. Teaching and imparting knowledge to them is not my main goal but to push and inspire them more in pursuing their dreams and to become what they want to become. As an instructor, students are really close to my heart, seeing them improving and developing has a big impact on me. It is very fulfilling and rewarding to become one of their advisers and to be chosen as one of their favorite instructors.

Elaine Manabat , MBA Faculty

My advocacy is to empower student leaders to become effective and great leaders. My family and my husband influenced me the most. They always remind me to be patient, resilient, and prayerful in every way of life especially in times of hardships and difficulties. I serve my community by performing the act of random kindness through giving and reaching out to my neighbors when needed and respecting them always. My achievements and advocacy? Support and motivation of the academic community in Research and promote quality learning experiences and consistency in teaching. During my time as Field of study head, I was awarded as Best Program head in 2017.

Harold Van Aquino , MSHRM Faculty

In addition to being a voice for your students, you serve to inform your students and their families. You help them understand their rights in school and in the community. You also form partnerships with different groups and organizations to make sure students can access the services they need. My mother and father both are my inspirations. They are my pillars of strength. They are my guide and give me the courage to battle obstacles in life. My mother always smiles, no matter what the circumstances are, and that gives me the strength and inspiration to face all problems. Like many shelters, plenty of soup kitchens are always on the lookout for volunteers. There are too many homeless and hungry people who are in a constant state of despair, and a small gesture of reaching out with a plate of warm food can spark hope in them. Get in touch with your local community to see how you can join and help. If everything is filled up, you can always organize your soup kitchen with your fellow volunteers. Based on personal viewpoint regarding the positive and negative effects of online classes, most students become more self-disciplined and responsible because they managed their time due to the flexibility of their schedule, the accessibility to learning can fit their needs based on their pace, customization of learning is their advantage and grasp their learning capabilities, on the other hand, Online Learning isolates the students in terms of personal socialization, learning is also based on resources which unfortunately some students do not have, in our institute the practice of actual learning creates a big challenge. From Culinary to Room Management, from Travel Service to Tour Guiding the actual learning becomes a really difficult challenge. But we have to move forward and give service because learning should not stop, it is for everyone to enjoy. Working in an Academe is an achievement itself, for it is a passageway or an instrument to help students achieve their goals in life once they finish their studies. We, as their instructors feel that we are part of their success, in a way become an achievement for us knowing that our students learn and use those learning as part of their career.

Jae Ann Dela Cruz , LPT Faculty

My advocacy is to assist and serve as a partner and a coworker of my husband whose advocacy is to preach the gospel to the world. My parents are my life’s greatest influencers. They molded me into who I am now. And I am forever grateful to the Lord for letting them be my temporary parents on this earth. Nowadays, due to the pandemic, advantage and disadvantage impact arise in the distance learning setup. Let us start, my viewpoints on the advantage side, distance learning comes as a blessing for those students who don't want to give up their part-time jobs but want a higher education, too. They can save money and time also because no time is wasted waiting for a jeep or tricycle. They get to learn while they earn. They can learn at their own pace, because students can study whenever, wherever as long as they follow the given deadline of their instructors or comply with their virtual meeting set up by the instructor. While the disadvantage is; high chances of distraction, with no instructor around for distance learning, chances of getting distracted and losing track of deadlines are high. Complicated technology also, any malfunctioning software or hardware can bring an ongoing class to a standstill and interrupt the learning process. The quality of faculty can be compromised also, sometimes the technology might not do full justice to the delivery and design of the course. To sum it up, distance learning may be good for one person but not for others, and vice versa. Just be kind to others, because you may not know what that person going through at that very moment and because of that simple act of kindness you show you can lift somebody’s life and pay attention to the word respect, in this world that is full of diverse people, respect to each and everyone is substantial. Having an extravagant life is an achievement for many, but in my case, to be chosen out of many to serve the Almighty God and having a peaceful and blessed life is the greatest achievement of mine.

Jan Michael Sanchez , MHTM Faculty

My advocacy is to empower young people to be leaders and good influencers of society. My mentor and my leader influenced me to become the young leaders of some young people to live a life with purpose. I believe I should provide quality education and good motivation is a must to empower our students and young people. I believe that I should increase value through increasing knowledge by studying

Jezreel David Faculty

To be a purpose-bearer and a catalyst of change that makes a big difference in people's lives. Nurturing and empowering a pipeline of leaders who bring determination to progressive movements to attain greater fulfillment. My mentors and the right circle I have. They pushed me to grow and challenged me to be as great as I can be. I am where I am today because of these people leading me and guiding me all the way. People who helped me find my purpose in life, pushed me to be the best version of myself, and helped me see and embrace the greatness rooted in me. As an individual that works to improve the lives of others, I believe I have not only been a catalyst for change but have inculcated a sense of hope for many people in the community and serve as a role model for others. I serve as a life mentor/guide to youths and young professionals. By helping others to be better, I also ended up bettering myself in ways I never imagined. Moreover, I also extend my service in my community by being a speaker and coach in leadership retreats, youth gatherings, and moral and spiritual recovery programs (church). This shift in pedagogical medium - from traditional to digital culture - is really challenging for everyone. When people don't see their home as a space of work, it's kind of a struggle to get into that mindset. In this matter, greater discipline and motivation are required for the students. But the focus must not just be on the welfare of the students but also on teacher's development and mental health for teacher's wellness has been linked to teaching effectiveness. Apart from the Latin award, leadership awards, excellence awards, being capable of making a big impact and difference in my student's lives by unleashing their potential and inspiring them to be the best version of themselves is one of my greatest achievements. In 2019, I was awarded as the most Ideal teacher, most innovative, most cheerful, and most approachable teacher during the celebration of the world's teachers’ day.

Kathryna Valencia , MM Faculty

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