MCC Opens its Doors to Students Anew

April 19, 2022

After more than two years of remote learning due to the pandemic, MCC students went back to school in-person to attend limited face-to-face classes. Campuses from Dolores and Dapdap welcomed the students last March 28 and 30, 2022 respectively. Mixed feelings of excitement and nostalgia-filled students and instructors alike.

Orientations were held weeks before the students’ return to inform them and their parents/guardians of the processes that must be observed in attending such in-person classes.

The College made sure that the student's health and safety would be safeguarded within campus grounds. This is evident in the acquisition of the College’s Safety Seal Certification ahead of the opening of limited in-person classes. This means that protocols are in place which is expected to be implemented strictly to ensure everyone’s health remains in tip-top shape. Prior simulations of limited face-to-face classes were also conducted by school personnel to ensure the smooth flow of these protocols.

Some students expressed their delight in being able to go back to school and invaluably immerse themselves in the learning process to hone their knowledge and skills.

Success in conducting limited face-to-face classes is an understatement. The students appreciated the collective effort of the school and the community to bring back learning in our classrooms.

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