Mabalacat City College (Philippines) and Langara College (Canada) Officially Start Second Batch of COIL

October 28, 2022

Mabalacat City College (Philippines) and Langara College (Canada) Officially Start Second Batch of COIL


Students from Mabalacat City College and Langara College of Higher Learning from Vancouver, Canada are presently collaborating on a project revolving around a public domain website dedicated to Philippine and Canadian national histories. These students are currently the second batch under the Collaborative Online International Learning or COIL. When finished, the website should be able to provide valuable information, facts, and figures that the students, researchers, and the general public can use free of charge. This project comes as a result of the successful first batch of COIL between the two institutions.


Assistant Vice President for SASS and lecturer from the Institute of Arts and Sciences (MCC) Professor Beejay Sebastian together with Department Chair for Library and Information Technology (Langara College) Professor Fiona Hunt supervise the COIL sessions between MCC’s History majors and Langara College’s Library and Information Technology students.


This international partnership will run until the end of 2022. Aside from working on the project, participants of COIL also get the opportunity to be exposed to the cultures of the other participating country through cultural exchange discussions.


The COIL program is now becoming a trademark experience of MCC students that keeps pushing the envelope in pursuit of equal access to higher education transcending boundaries, expanding intercultural competence, breaking communication barriers, improving interpersonal skills and digital literacy to collaborate virtually and address world challenges.


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