Emphasizing our shared responsibility in safeguarding the earth, MCC Student Organization League of Social Studies Catalyst (LSSC) joined the college in observing the global Earth Hour, with the theme “HUEmanity for the EARTH”, on 22 March 2025.
The organization prepared various fun and creative activities including Glow Stick Art, Neon Face Painting, Slogan Making and Dance Party. Students present on the activity also signed a commitment to raise awareness about environmental sustainability. The countdown to the official start of Earth Hour was the highlight of the activity and after switching-off the lights, participants enjoyed the prepared activities.
Moreover, LSSC engaged the community in this initiative. Despite being in their homes, MCC staff and employees turned-off non-essential lights for an hour to show their support. Overall, more than 1,000 individuals participated in observing the earth hour, including four local businesses.
MCC Vice President for Global Relations, Opportunities, and Workforce Development Mr. Raymond John D. Vergara underscored in his opening remarks the staggering amount of energy wasted annually due to excessive consumption, highlighting the urgent need for change.
MCC's Earth Hour celebration is just one of many initiatives aimed to support sustainability. The event also garnered support from the Mabalacat City Youth Development Office, further emphasizing the importance of community involvement in environmental efforts.
Through these collective actions, MCC continues to lead in promoting environmental awareness, showing how the power of unity can drive meaningful and lasting change.