To prepare voters for the upcoming National and Local Elections on 12 May 2025, Mabalacat City College actively participated in the Automated Counting Machine (ACM) Roadshow organized by the City Election Officer, Mabalacat City last 28 January 2025. This aimed to familiarize voters, including students, teaching and non-teaching personnel with the automated election process.
The Automated Counting Machine (ACM) is the new voting machine, which will be used in the upcoming elections. Consequently, the roadshow discussed the features of the ACM. One of the key features of the new voting machine is its fast process on scanning and counting of ballot votes within 15 seconds, including the printing of the receipts.
Participants experienced using the ACM firsthand through its demonstration. They highlighted the fast processing of the ACM and noted that using it is more convenient since it also reads the ballot despite using a regular pen.
Furthermore, with its accessibility features, the ACMs are more PWD friendly. It is provided with headphones that verifies the accuracy of one’s vote for those visually impaired voters, and lowered ballot box for voters in a wheel-chair.
This roadshow provided valuable opportunity for both students and employees with knowledge on the election procedures. MCC, through participation in such activities, promotes socially engaged and responsive citizens within its community.